Services That Empower

Our services revolve around the linguistic practices in the field. We aim to support your business with an in-depth analysis of language patterns that exist on the market.


Language Models

We develop language models that use Generative AI to conduct probability distributions over words, phrases, and sentences.
Rather than focusing on grammar, the models concentrate on understanding syntactic and semantic structure used by your services and by your competitors.

A man working on his laptop at a desk


Content optimization is the process of refining your content to make it more visible and engaging. The goal of optimization is to make data-informed decisions on the ways your online presence should be structured to attract traffic. This involves keyword research, content evaluation, and on-page and off-page SEO.

Charts and analytics

Content Strategy

Developing the content strategy involves several key steps to ensure that the content aligns with your values, resonates with the target audience, and effectively communicates your message. This includes understanding the language used by your target audience, planning the content that reflects your identity and your brand, and planning the strategies for promoting this content.

Charts and analytics

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis consists of identification and evaluation of  linguistic practices your competitors use. This process includes identification of your competitors, the analysis of content used by your competitors to promote and market their services, as well as monitoring the feedback they receive from their customers.

Programming code

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I benefit from your services?

We use numerous analytical tools to provide detailed insights to your business. There is always room for improvement of your linguistic practices. We will tell you specifically what this improvement requires , we will plan the new content strategy together, and we will help properly implement the new strategy.

Which service should I choose from?

Each client has their own needs and wishes, which means that it is best that we correspond over an email to ensure that we are efficiently answering your requests. Please, send us an email with details about your request and we will get back to you.

Can you take care of only one service?

Yes, we most certainly can. For example, you can use only content strategy planning or linguistic modelling. Our services are very flexible, which means that we can agree on any combination of the services. The price will then be reduced accordingly.

Type of correspondence?

Please contact us by using the contact form or by sending us an email. We do our best to respond within 24h. If you would like, and if there is a need for it, we are also very open to meeting you over a video platform (Zoom, Google Meet, Webex, etc.).

Do we need to send you our data?

You do not have to send us any analytics you collect. We will do the work for you.

Get in touch!